March 12, 2025

Washington Patriots, I have some very bad news!

HB 1240, a bill that attacks the very existence of each law-abiding citizen in Washington and bans over 65 commonly owned rifles in Washington, has passed the House and moved to the Senate.

The Anti-Gun left will stop at nothing, and HB 1240 is one of their biggest attacks on your Second Amendment rights.

Radical anti-gun Leftist Rep. Strom Peterson’s bill attempts to disarm the law-abiding citizens of Washington, while criminals run amok committing their violent acts with little to no consequences.

Rep. Peterson’s bill bans over 65 commonly owned rifles, furthering the radical Leftist agenda and adding more gun control for the Washington people!

HB 1240 bans or restricts the following:

  • 65 commonly owned guns, including military-looking weapons
  • Detachable Magazines
  • Rifles under 30 inches
  • Folding or retractable stocks
  • Conversion kits and parts
  • Fore grips and rails
  • Threaded barrels of any kind

The bill also would require a thumb-hole stock for rifles, limit magazine capacity to 7 rounds, and further restrict loaded weapons.

These are just a few of the restrictions in HB 1240 – there is more. It is time to stand up and fight for our freedoms now more than ever.

The radical anti-gun Left will stop at nothing until they have turned the law-abiding gun owners of Washington into felons and are defenseless against criminals.

So, please send a message to your state senator right away, urging them to oppose HB 1240.

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