When testifying on HB1005, a government official made it clear they don’t want you to carry a firearm. Remember these eleven words. “I don’t think someone should be able to carry either one.”
HB1005 is simply a clean-up bill to ensure that Tennessee state laws are not violating the civil rights of Tennesseans based on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Bruen case. This bill:
- Removes the language of current law making the carrying of firearms with “the intent to go armed” an offense.
- Permits 18–20-year-old Tennesseans to exercise their right to carry a firearm.
- Exchanges the term “handgun” for “firearm” throughout the Tennessee code. (Therefore, allowing long arms to be included.)
- Expressly outlines that public and private places that choose to be a “Gun-Free Zone” accept liability for leaving citizens defenseless.
Yet, the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security was once again on hand to oppose the restoration of your rights.
Elizabeth Stroeker, Director of Legislative Affairs, and Colonel Matt Perry, each shared concerns that passage of HB1005 would cause an alleged environment unfavorable to the safety of law enforcement and the public in general.
Ms. Stroeker’s position was that HB1005 would essentially remove limitations currently in place under TCA 39-17-1307 (h). In fact, she aired a portion of the list to the subcommittee members in an attempt to sound the alarm.
Fortunately, the subcommittee legislative attorney, Elizabeth Insogna, was on hand to correct Ms. Stroeker’s statement.
Insogna stated, “Section 39-17-1307(h) is not deleted by the amendment, and that is the section that contains the prohibitions on carrying if you have been convicted of stalking, a certain number of DUI’s, adjudicated as mental defective, or otherwise prohibited under federal law. So that is still in the law.”
However, testimony provided by our state agency’s employees gets worse.

TN Representative Rusty Grills (D-77)
When Representative Grills asked why the agency would oppose the carrying of an AR15 but not oppose carrying an AR pistol, Colonel Perry was very clear.
He answered with these unforgettable eleven words, “I don’t think someone should be able to carry either one.” You can see the video here.
How You Can Take Action
Make plans to join me in Nashville on March 15th for Tennessee Firearms Association’s Lobby Day. If you haven’t registered for TFA’s Lobby Day, you can do it by clicking here.
Then take action by sending the House Civil Justice Committee members a message sharing your support of HB1005!