March 12, 2025
WY: Stop Tracking of Firearms Purchases by Financial Institutions

Wyoming House Considers Bill to Stop Financial Institutions from Tracking Firearms Purchases

Recent efforts by the Biden Administration and financial institutions to track firearms and ammunition purchases have been an ominous development for honest, law-abiding gun owners in America.

We all know this information will be used to try to deprive law-abiding citizens of their Second Amendment Rights and/or discriminate against these citizens. 

Unfortunately, all credit card transactions are tracked in some manner. Simply put, everything a person buys with a credit card is tracked by categories.

In a clever way of handling this tracking, GOA-backed HB0253 requires a specific categorization of firearms and ammunition that will protect the privacy of citizens.

HB0253, sponsored by Representative Allemand [R] from Natrona County, will prohibit all financial institutions, credit card companies, financial technologies, and payment processing systems from collecting identifying information beyond identifying any firearms or ammunition purchases as “sporting goods.”

This means that financial institutions will no longer be able to sort out firearms or ammunition purchases from purchases such as camp stoves, hunting boots, tents, or other sporting items.

Please urge your Representative to support HB0253 by clicking here. We have provided a pre-written message to encourage your elected Representative to support HB0253 in Committees or on the Floor in the coming days.

We are working hard with Representatives and Senators to advance these and additional pro-gun measures, and we are also diligently working to ensure that no bills pass this Legislative Session that will restrict your Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  

Today’s alert is one of many to come in the coming days and weeks. We will provide regular updates about these and other legislative efforts and let you know how you can help protect your Second Amendment rights during this legislative session!

P.S. Please contact your Representative now by clicking this link. Also, please be watching for updates on these and other bills in the coming days, and be on the lookout for information about other important GOA efforts to protect or advance your Second Amendment Rights!

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