March 12, 2025

SB 5078 Goes After the Firearm Industry! 

Washington Patriots, I have some very bad news! 

SB 5078, a bill that attacks the very existence of the firearms industry, was reported from committee last week and is now heading to the Senate floor for a vote.  

This horrible bill will hold the firearms Industry liable for the actions of criminals. The anti-gun Left is also driving out the firearm industry by making it illegal to manufacture, sell, distribute, and transfer any firearms — and or parts of them — in the state of Washington. 

SB 5078 will be a direct way to enforce tyrannical gun control by shutting down the firearms industry and forcing local gun shops out of business by making it impossible for them to get product and supplies. 

We must support the gun industry by telling the Senate to oppose SB 5078 now! Your ability to acquire firearms in Washington depends upon it. 

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