March 12, 2025
WV: Campus Carry Moving to full Senate Vote

It’s an exciting time for pro-2A in West Virginia!

Senator Phillips (District 7) introduces the WV Campus Carry bill SB10.

Yesterday, SB 10, the Campus Carry bill, was passed by the Judiciary Committee by voice vote and without amendment. It now moves to the floor of the Senate for a full vote!

Now is the time for you to make your support for Campus Carry known to your Senator! Making campuses safer for our young adults should be a priority! We could see a big change in the Mountain State and we’re counting on you to help this bill become law this session.

Your state organization, West Virginia Citizens Defense League, has worked hard to see this legislation through, and Gun Owners of America supports their effort to protect the rights of young adults across the state.

But it is your voice that truly makes the impact! So please TAKE ACTION today. This bill should be up for a vote on the 3rd reading early next week.

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