A Florida gun designer was shocked to discover his primitive single-shot gag gun landed on the Canadian government’s list of firearms to ban in the country.
“Butt Master” designer and sole owner Mark Serbu commented on the creation’s “absurd” inclusion in Canada’s controversial legislation to curb gun violence Thursday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
“This is hilarious, it’s awesome,” Serbu said. “But then you look on official Canadian documentation and you see ‘Butt Master’ and it’s like, how could they be so inept to do that?”
Serbu created a single “Butt Master” 23 years ago, which is still in his possession in Tampa. The one-of-a-kind firearm is listed in Bill C-21’s November amendment of firearms to be banned in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s bid to combat mass shootings. …
“Fewer guns mean safer communities. That’s why the Government of Canada is implementing some of the strongest gun control measures in a generation,” the PM’s office said.
— Madeline Coggins in Gun Designer’s Single-Shot ‘Butt Master’ Gag Gun Lands on Canada’s Ban List: ‘How Could They Be So Inept?’