March 12, 2025

The Anti-Gunners Are Trying to Weasel-in More Gun Control Through the NDAA…Again

As usual, anti-gun lawmakers are trying to sneak-in gun control into a must-pass bill and once again, they’re hijacking the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, to do it. This is a big deal because it directs how we fund our military.

Last year, they tried to put in a national “red flag” gun confiscation provision. This time they’ve added an amendment to set-up a program for so called “safe-storage.” If this passes, you can count on them using this to justify extreme gun control.

Contact your senators and representatives and demand they vote to take this amendment out!

Inevitably, for this to be enforced, there would need to be inspections by the government on civilians on how and where guns are stored. Even if it’s a voluntary program, this creates a precedent so that the government will figure out the most effective means of investigating your home and figuring out how many firearms you own, where you put them, and how you are able to access them.

If this passes, how long will it take for this “voluntary” program to become a MANDATORY program?

Do not allow any compromise with tyrants, contact Congress now to oppose this!

This amendment does not tackle the root causes of the high service member suicide rate, as its proponents claim it does. Rather than actually helping members, this amendment would blame the tool, rather than the root problem, for causing such tragedies. Removing the rights of our service members does not help them and will not reduce the suicide crisis in our military.

Other countries like South Korea and Guyana already have tough gun control laws and a low amount of firearm ownership. Yet, both countries are in the list of top 5 countries with the highest suicide rate. Congress needs to see that gun control will not help, but rather hurt, those who are considering the tragic choice of taking their own life.

Demand your two senators and local representative call for all gun control to be negotiated out of the NDAA!

GOA applauds sincere efforts to reduce suicide of any group. But this program not only fails to do that, but it provides a blue-print for future gun control.

Rather than giving details on how the program would be designed to elected representatives in Congress, it could empower unelected woke bureaucrats like Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to find the best way to document how many firearms you own and how you store them so it’s easier to confiscate them later.

We cannot allow this to pass.

Help your lawmakers understand this paves the way for Second Amendment infringements by sending a message NOW!

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