March 12, 2025
Rosella: All Gun Owners Should Be Taxed to Compensate Crime Victims

Gun owners don’t seek counseling, for possessing guns. I’ve never heard of Gun Owners Anonymous, or Killers Are Us.

But co-victims of gun violence need emotional support. Maybe we need to introduce a gun tax for Co-Victims Support. You owe us. Your GUN damaged us. There was no blood involved. A co-victim is someone who is connected to someone who was shot, or to a shooter. But, damn, we are damaged. …

We know what triggered—pun intended—our issues. It was a gun. Pay up. Let’s add a special gun tax that goes exclusively to treat the 7 co-victims of every shooting.

Not enough money, you say? We can hike that tax. …

Gun owners owe me. …

Gun owners should fund every moment of mental health we need, for as long as we need it. I view PTSD like alcoholism. PTSD is forever. You just learn to handle it, as best you can.

But that is expensive, especially for PhD level, which currently runs about $120/hour in my town, more in larger cities. So, expensive that so many of us who want help can’t access the level we need.

I tell my Truth now.

We need that Gun Tax. Co-Victims deserve it. Gun owners owe us.

— judyrosella in Guns Made Me a Liar. Tax Gun Owners.

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