March 12, 2025
Wasting no time

Fresh off her re-election, Tish James is back on the attack:

“New York Attorney General Letitia James today cracked down on online ammunition sellers illegally shipping ammunition to New York residents and failing to keep records of these sales. An investigation by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) found that 39 ammunition sellers have been shipping ammunition directly to New York residents in violation of New York’s SAFE Act, which prohibits direct online sales of ammunition to New York residents. Attorney General James sent cease and desist orders to these ammunition sellers demanding that they stop shipping ammunition directly to New York and warned them of serious legal consequences if they continue to violate New York’s law …”

That law doesn’t go into effect until the much delayed ammo background check database is up and running, but that’s not going to stop her, because why should it? She received received no election opposition from 2A groups so there were no consequences for her previous actions. Therefore there will be more of that exact same bad behavior. Would it really have been that hard for NRA, etc. to at least send out a presser saying 2A supporters should vote for her opponent?

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