The Daily Sentinel covers the 119th Assembly race:
“… [Marianne Buttenschon]: I voted against the constitutionally flawed conceal and carry legislation including outrageous micro stamping. The package that came out of the Special Session was a politically expedient response to a deeper, more complex problem. The new laws punished experienced, guiltless gun owners while undercutting confidence in our governor and both houses of the state legislature. They invited mountains of time consuming, costly, and debilitating litigation. Rather than solving problems, these infringements on personal liberty and common sense only caused more conflict and division. Finally, I come from a family of hunters and responsible gun owners. I too am a gun owner, have a pistol permit and a hunting license. I’ll always understand and support responsible sportsmen and gun owner’s rights …”
It’s a twofer: Misrepresenting by omission her voting record and pandering to the Fudds.
“… [John Zielinski]: The Second Amendment is part of the U.S. Constitution, period end of story. Radical Governor Kathy Hochul and even more radical Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, who are both supported by current Assemblymember Buttenschon, passed a series of 10 separate laws to restrict the rights of New Yorkers to lawfully possess and use firearms and ammunition. These laws were passed, like spoiled children, to defy the United States Supreme Court ruling that struck down New York’s anti-Second Amendment laws. Current Assemblymember Buttenschon voted for 6 out-of-10 of these unconstitutional laws. Fortunately, most of these laws were recently struck down by a federal court …”
He’s right, but unfortunately I don’t think the campaign has enough resources to knock Buttenschon out especially as the allegedly pro-gun Conservative Party endorsed her.