March 11, 2025

Virtually no one can hold a candle to Senator Mike Lee when it comes to defending the Second Amendment in Congress. With the election only a few weeks away, supporters of the Second Amendment need to stand together and support the few elected officials unafraid of the anti-gun attacks in and outside of Congress. 

Unfortunately, the other senator from Utah, Mitt Romney, is showing his true colors. Rather than endorse a true fighter for our constitutional rights and the people of Utah, it appears Romney would rather watch his colleague get replaced by a fellow gun-grabber.  

Both Romney and Mike Lee’s opponent supported the Cornyn-Murphy gun control package, which included funding for “Red Flag” gun confiscation orders, more invasive background registration checks for citizens under 21, and gun bans for non-violent misdemeanors to name a few.  

By not endorsing Mike Lee, Romney is putting himself in opposition to gun owners across the nation, and especially in Utah. Gun Owners of America is urging Senator Romney to stand against a fraudulent grifter who has called for gun control, and to endorse pro-gun Senator Mike Lee.  

Senator Romney needs to hear from you, too. His silence is nothing other than support for a candidate who will work against our constitutional liberties.  

So please urge Senator Romney to do the right thing and endorse Senator Mike Lee for U.S. Senate in Utah. 

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